Produced by the beth Hatefutsoth, this CD is not in the public domain and I am posting only a few tracks for educative purposes as is fair use. This piece is composed by Jacob Meisel, of who I found no further information.
2 Responses
Sounds like Salomone Rossi from Italy, a contemporary of the Rama and the Maharshal. Maybe Meisel changed the setting a little? Listen to Rossi here (mixed, but audio only):
Sounds like a composition Salomone Rossi from Italy, who lived at the same time as the Rama and the Maharshal. Maybe Meisel changed the setting a little? You can judge for yourself by listening here (mixed, but audio only):
2 Responses
Sounds like Salomone Rossi from Italy, a contemporary of the Rama and the Maharshal. Maybe Meisel changed the setting a little? Listen to Rossi here (mixed, but audio only):
Sounds like a composition Salomone Rossi from Italy, who lived at the same time as the Rama and the Maharshal. Maybe Meisel changed the setting a little? You can judge for yourself by listening here (mixed, but audio only):